Sie þe hæl, goda giest!

Beowulf is min nama; ic eom þin sæleweard in þissum sele. Þis is min bloh hwider þu eart cumen; her mæg ic writan be wælgrimre wyrde ond breðelre blisse, be eallum þam þingum þe gebyrian under heofonum. God ana wat hwa þessum hlæste onfehð!

Ne mæg ic la oft her writan, for þam þe ic sceal a on wægstreame, wintercealdum wege, wuldor secan. Eac sceal ic hwilum min gewrit onwendan, stille woh gerihtan. Neom ic scop; ic stihte min word mæst on anfealde gerecednisse, butan gemete. Gemiltsa þu ælmihtiga drihten þæm unwritere!

Drinc hæl,

Beowulf Ecgþeowing, on þæm .xxiij. blodmonað mmx